2001 - A few members of the guild decided to make quilts to be given to charities. The first meeting was at the home of Beryl Stine with five members present. It was decided to meet one day a month, to make 30"× 42" quilts, roughly following the guide lines of ABC quilts. The quilts were enveloped and we would machine quilt them except for one of the gals who actually hand quilted her donation. Labels were sewed on and eight quilts were given to Project Linus.
2002 - The membership was asked for suggestions for other charities that may be in need. A member suggested a charity that dealt with babies given to Foster parents. So keeping the quilt size small we continued. This year we had 6 for Project Linus and 26 for Foster Babies.
2003/2007 - These years brought a very special project for Fox Chase Cancer Center. One of our members Barbara Watson who passed away from breast cancer willed her entire stash of fabric to our guild and the fabrics were gorgeous! For this project the quilts were lap size with 3 coordinating fabrics and muslin blocks. In the plain blocks doctors, nurses and fellow patients would sign there good wishes.
These were distributed in the infusion room, as folks received their treatment. We gave kits out at the meetings and we were able to create a total of 222. In addition we had 16 quilts for children undergoing surgery these were taken to China, by a member's husband who had business there. Barbara Watson and her stash were well honored. This period also saw a change in the meeting site, to the homes of Patty Smith and Gina Gempesaw.
2008 - Found us with no meeting place and a low stash of fabric. We were now just collecting the finished quilts but we continued to meet for lunch. Good luck came to us that fall and we found ourselves at the Country Quilt Shop in Montgomeryville. At this time we took on Christ Home in Warminster for our new recipient. The Home take's in children ranging in age from approximately 6 months to 16 years of age of families in crisis. The plan was to make a cot size quilt that would appeal to children and teens.
2009 - The core group was now growing and guild members were generous taking the kits.
2010 /11 - December marked our last meeting there due to the shop closing. Fortunately Byrne's in Dovlestown offered us space in their shop so we were able to continue. At this time another project was brought to our attention by Jeanne Malone, which was placemats to Meals on Wheels for Central Bucks and Montgomery County. This was a quick project that you could make in a few hours.
2012 - The Round Bobbin in Horsham became our new meeting site. The group has grown throughout the years and we continue to put kits together as well as work on quilts or placemats. The Round Bobbin also gives us some storage place, which we are extremely grateful for. As of this writing we have provided Christ Home a total of 209 quilts.
Quilts of various sizes made by the members of County Line quilters since charity quilting started has totaled 512, in addition we have given out approximately 650 place mats. Thank you all for the great effort put out by those that have participated throughout the years in any capacity; either providing fabrics, making up kits, dropping finished quilts off to the charity and of course those who have made quilts and / or placemats. We look forward to continuing our charity quilting projects.
An older quilt of unknown origin was discovered in our County Line Quilters closet recently. It was determined that the quilt was made around 1992. Members designed the blocks with local themes and Pat Gottshalk created the logo in the center. So far, no one knows who handquilted this beautiful quilt.
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